Funding Support

Using ESSER Funding for Wayfinder

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) provides funding to help US school districts prevent and respond to COVID-19. This program is available until September 2024, and it can be spent on activities that support students’ social-emotional well-being and academic achievement.


Why Wayfinder is Eligible

Wayfinder meets the requirements of ESSER as an evidence-based SEL intervention. Students who have completed Wayfinder are 4x more likely to feel confident about their futures, which aids in reducing student anxieties — including those that came about as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
student using Wayfinder

Ways to Use ESSER Funds with Wayfinder

Introduce or upgrade your social-emotional learning curriculum
Support the implementation of Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
Integrate mental health and well-being into school schedule
Prioritize educators’ social-emotional learning

You can use the funds for multiyear subscriptions extending up to four years after the funds are obligated. Check with your district or state for local rules and regulations.

School districts may apply for ESSER funding through their state educational agency (SEA). ESSER III funding must be obligated by September 30, 2024. More information is available on the US Department of Education website.

Get Started

Our team can support you as you seek funding for your social-emotional learning programming. Please complete the form below to schedule a call with us.